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Visit the Austin PsychCare Patient Library

  • Local Resources

    Emergency numbers:


    24 hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline—Travis County: 512-472-4357

    24 hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline—Williamson/Hayes/Bastrop County: 1-800-841-1255

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1800-273-TALK, 1800-273-8255 or visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org

    Child/Elder Abuse Reporting Hotlines: (1800-252-5400)

    Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals:

    Austin Lakes Hospital: (512-544-5253) www.austinlakeshospital.com/

    Seton Shoal Creek: (512-324-2000) www.seton.net/locations/shoal_creek/

    Austin State Hospital: (512-452-0381) www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhhospitals/austinsh/

    Austin Oaks Hospital: (512-440-4800) www.austinoakshospital.com/

    Georgetown Behavioral Health (512 819 1100) http://www.georgetownbehavioral.com/

    Rock Springs Hospital (512 819-9400) www.rockspringshealth.com

    Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Centers:

    Austin Lakes- (512 544-5253) austinlakes.com

    La Hacienda- (800 749-6160) lahacienda.com

    Northwest Counseling and Wellness Center:- (512 250-9355) www.ncwcaustin.com/

    Shoal Creek- (512 324-2039) www.seton.net

    Texas Star Recovery- (512 462-6729) texasstarrecovery.com

    The Right Step:- (877 627-4389) rightstep.com

    Austin Center for Psychological Care (512 342-7979) austincpc.com

    Substance Abuse/Recovery:

    Sober Austin soberaustin.com

    Addiction Survivors addictionsurvivors.org

    Austin Al Anon austinalanon.com

    Alcoholics Anonymous: www.aa.org

    Narcontics Anonymous: www.na.org

    Smoking Cessation: www.smokefree.gov

    Community Counseling Centers: 

    Capital Area Couseling: (512 302-2000) www.camhc.org

    Waterloo Counseling: (512 444-9922) waterloocouseling.org

    Sims Foundation for musicians (512 494-1007 ) simsfoundation.org

    SOL Community Counseling: (512 366-0954) therapistaustin.com/Sol/ Community

    Mental Health Clinics:

    Travis County MHMR- (512 447-4141) http://www.atcmhmr.com

    Williamson County MHMR- (512 255-1720) http://www.bluebonnetmhmr.org/

    Lonestar Circle of Care- (512 341-9808) http://lscctx.org/services/behavioral-health

    Other Local Resources:

    Capital Area Psychological Association

    Austin Eating Disorders Specialists

    National Alliance for the mentailly ill (Nami)

    Austin Austin In Connection

    Depression and Bipolar SupportAlliance (DBSA)

    Austin A Resource Center for independent Living (ARCIL)

    Austin NAMI Mental Health Education and Support Group guide

    Austin Texas Star Recovery

    Seton Intensive outpatient programs

    Austin Lifeworks

    National Resources:

    American Psychiatric Association

    Mayo Clinic Patient Health Information

    Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)

    Suicide Awareness

  • Book Suggestions from Patients

    Driven to distraction by Edward Hallowell
    The ADHD effect on marriage by Melissa Orlov

    Recovering from an affair After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful by Janice Abrahms Spring
    NOT "Just Friends": Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity by Shirley Glass

    Living Sober by AA Services
    The adult children of alcoholics syndrome by Wayne Kritsberg
    After the Tears- Helping Adult Children of Alcoholics Heal Their Childhood Trauma by Jane Middleton-Moz

    The feeling good handbook by David Burns
    The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook by Martin Antony

    Somebody somewhere by Donna Williams
    Look me in the eye by John Robison
    I am Aspien Girl by Tania Marshall
    I am Asperger Women by Liana Willey

    Bipolar Disorder
    An unquiet mind by Kay Jamison
    Marbles by Ellen Forney
    Bipolar Disorder- the ultimate guide By Sarah Owen and Amanda Saunders

    Borderline Personality Disorder
    I hate you. Don't leave me by Jerold Kreisman and Hal Straus
    Stop Walking on eggshells by Paul Mason and Randi Kregor
    Love your disease by John Harrison

    Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
    Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
    Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend
    Boundary Power by O'Neil & Newbold

    The five love languages by Gary Chapman
    Getting the love you want by Harville Hendrix
    Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

    The 36 Hour Day by Nancy Mace
    Nurturing Nuggets for Dementia Caregivers by Susan Lanza

    Mind Over Mood Workbook by Christine Padesky

    Rebuilding when your relationship ends by Bruce Fisher and Robert Alberti

    I'm grieving as fast as I can (for widows and widowers) by Linda Feinberg

    Well enough alone by Jennifer Traig

    Will I ever be good enough: Healing the daughters of narcissistic mothers Karyl McBride

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    The Boy who couldn't stop washing by Judith Rapoport

    The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

    The Quiet Room by Lori Schiller
    Mind Estranged by Bethany Yeiser
    Flight from Reason by Karen Yeiser

    Why People Die by Suicide by Thomas Joiner, PhD
    Night Falls Fast by Kay Redfield Jamison, MD
    Darkness Visible, William Styron Noonday
    Demon by Andrew Solomon